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     We have over 20 years of experience in fine art and interior decoration. Our aim is to bring a sense of happiness to your home or business with an aesthetically pleasing environment. Working closely with private clients and businesses, we seek to meet your needs by producing applied works of art that are based on creative solutions, which combine both specialized artistic and technical skills. The results are stunning and we strive for satisfaction with every project we undertake.

Faux Finishes:

    Faux finishes give you a variety of different looks, which can be achieved on your walls, columns and ceilings. They include the following looks and finishes: antique, marble, granite, plaster, metallic, brick, rock, wood, fabric and others. When the surfaces are reflected in the light, a vintage feel is sensed. These techniques bring forth an opulence to any interior, dramatically changing the overall atmosphere. 


Venetian Plaster:

    Venetian plaster is the most unique method to achieve a luxurious look by avoiding the use of original material such as marble. Virtually any look you desire can be imitated using this material. After polishing and waxing your drywall or plaster, the elements or surfaces being worked on will be transformed with surprisingly beautiful effects.


Murals or Frescoes with Trompe l'Å“il:    

    Paintings on the walls such as cityscapes, landscapes, architectural elements, flowers and more can be painted onto your walls.

   - "Fresco paintings" - Authentic fresco paintings bring forth a feel for the Italian Renaissance or ancient Rome to modern custom designs or renovations. Authentic wall art on panels or walls can be done using this technique.

  - "Trompe l'Å“il murals" â€“ An organic part of mural painting, trompe l'Å“il is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions. The steps undertaken to creating trompe l'Å“il murals are similar to those of a regular mural.

  - "Ornamental trompe l'Å“il" â€“ unlike trompe l'Å“il murals where elements of trompe l'Å“il are used to enhance the illusion of depth and to erase the transition between the real and painted world, ornamental trompe l'Å“il succeeds in altering the appearance of actual objects by adding depth and ornamentation to otherwise flat surfaces. Some of the most popular areas for this technique are ceilings, wall perimeters and furniture.




     Faux finishing is both dynamic and magnificent. There are plenty of options to choose from in order to achieve your desired look. Surfaces that resemble the following looks and finishes can be done: antique, marble, granite, plaster, metallic, brick, rock, wood and fabric, in addition to other looks to suit your specifications.

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